Jan 15
Empathy is the ability to feel the same emotions felt by someone else. This trait allows you to feel pain for a friend whose going through a divorce, or excitement for a sister who was recently pro...
Continue ReadingJan 1
Customer experience can make or break your company. How you and your employees treat customers directly reflects your brand's values. But the truth is, positive customer experiences can be difficul...
Continue ReadingAug 17, 2024
You put together the business plan, signed the lease, designed an informative website and…*crickets*. It can be pretty discouraging when you put in the effort, but you're not attracting yo...
Continue ReadingMay 15, 2024
The world of graphic and web design is complicated and there is a lot of terminology out there to learn. To help you out, we've put together a cheat sheet with answers to some of the top graphic de...
Continue ReadingApr 9, 2024
Whether you're putting together a fundraiser, donating food to a local shelter, or volunteering at a soup kitchen, supporting causes you care about makes you feel good and makes the world a better ...
Continue ReadingMar 18, 2024
Once you've found the perfect promotional product for your business or organization, the next step is to emblazon it with your logo or message. Depending on the item, there may be multiple decorati...
Continue ReadingFeb 26, 2024
If you work from 9 to 5, chances are you've sat in a meeting before. Whether it be a brainstorm session or roundtable discussion, it doesn't matter the industry you are in, meetings are inevitable....
Continue ReadingFeb 18, 2024
Have you ever had this conversation before? Them: "How are you?" You: "Yes." Or have you ever been in a meeting and realized you zoned out halfway through? Or how about when you're at the movie...
Continue ReadingJan 5, 2024
Employee engagement starts the second a new employee walks in the door, so it's important for companies to make a good impression on their first day! The onboarding process shouldn't just be about ...
Continue ReadingNov 29, 2023
Substantial research shows why color matters in branding and how it plays an important role in how we experience marketing. These 16 facts give you a glimpse into how you can use color to your adva...
Continue ReadingOct 16, 2023
It can be hard to communicate with a design team on a project when the designers speak their very own language. That's why we have a rundown of words you may come across frequently that can save yo...
Continue ReadingOct 8, 2023
If you've been in the workforce for a couple of years, you've probably had to wear a company uniform at one point or another! Across all industries, trades, and professions, uniforms are common &nd...
Continue ReadingAug 25, 2023
If you've ever run a 5k or attended a basketball game, chances are you've got a promotional shirt in your drawers somewhere. According to PPAI's 2019 Consumer Study, wearables are the #1 most popul...
Continue ReadingAug 10, 2023
Everybody loves getting new business – it's exciting! Because new customers are so crucial to growing a business, many companies pour the majority of their marketing time and energy into gene...
Continue ReadingFeb 23, 2023
We all enjoy that element of surprise (well, most of us!). User-generated unboxing videos have popped up more and more on YouTube and other social media platforms, adding a surprising value to prod...
Continue ReadingJan 12, 2023
A logo is often a company's first impression and it can impact a customer's perception, purchase decisions and overall attitude toward your company. A logo is a symbol or graphic element that repre...
Continue ReadingDec 28, 2022
We're all familiar with the stereotypes that characterize the millennial generation- avocado toast, “killing” chain restaurants, and being social media obsessed. But what actually defin...
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